It is not a test,so there are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each item as carefully and accurately as you can by placing a number by each one as follows: 1 = Rarely or none of the time 2 = A little of the time 3 = Some of the time 4 A Good part of the time 5 = Most or all of the time ____ 1. I feel that people would not like me if they really knew me well. _____ 2. I feel that others get along much better than I do. _____ 3. I feel that I am a beautiful person. _____ 4. When I am with other people I feel they are glad I am with them. _____ 5. I feel that people really like to talk with me. _____ 6. I feel that I am a very competent person. _____ 7. I think I make a good impression on others. _____ 8. I feel that I need more self confidence. _____ 9. When am with strangers I am very nervous. _____ 10. I think that I am a dull person. _____ 11. I feel ugly. _____ 12. I feel that others have more fun that I do. _____ 13. I feel that I bore people. _____ 14. I think my friends find me interesting. _____ 15. I think I have a good sense of humor. _____ 16. I feel very self-conscious when I am with strangers. _____ 17. I feel that if I could be more like other people I would have it maCc. _____ 18. I feel that people have a good time when they are with me. _____ 19. I feel like a wall flower when I go out. _____ 20. I feel I get pushed around more than others. _____ 21. I think I am a rather nice person. _____ 22. I feel that people like me very much. _____ 23. I feel that I am a likeable person. _____ 24. I am afraid I will appear foolish to others. _____ 25. My friends think very highly of me. ISE/20