A Ken's Look into Huckleberry Finn LetterBox!

Over the course of the first year of a Ken's Look into Huckleberry Finn's Existance many emails were sent to the owner, Ken Seldeen. Among these emails were many questions asked about Huck's good ol' Book. The purpose of the letter box is to see if any questions you have about the book has already been asked and answered. Below is a sum up of all the questions asked about the book.

1)Trace Hucks Changing attitude towards Jim throughout the course of the novel.

2)The Symbolism of the Mississippi River in Huckleberry Finn.

3)Various types of humor within Huckleberry Finn.

4)Development of Jim throughout the course of the Novel.

5)Cases of Greed, Morality, and Hypocrisy in Huck Finn.

6)Huck Finn as an Existentialist Hero.

7)Vernacular and Satire with regards to the Theme of Huckleberry Finn.

8)Linking Morals and Superstitions in Huckleberry Finn.

9)Possibility of Huckleberry Finn Being Homosexual.

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